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高二 (下) U19 A Freedom Fighter (1)_教案论文

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    四会:march  demand  join in  over and over again  dream  side by side

    三会:housing  citizen  forbid  peacefully  put…in prison  set an example  minister  separation  marriage  peaceful  revolution  liberate  liberation  act(n.)  equally  bill  explode  murder  unfair  speech  make a speech  content(n.)  feeling  clerk  chairman  admict  tour  textbook  

    二会:Birmingham  Martin Luther King, Jr.  Atlanta  Georgia  tennis  educate  Philadephia  achieve  Civil Rights Act  bomb  childhood  Voting Rights  Bill  Rosa parks  Alabama  give in  kennedy  nationwide  former  brotherhood  passport  paperwork  minority



⒈I was on the march.

march n. & v.


①It was a long and difficult march. 这是一次又长又艰难的行军。

②The band played a military march. 军乐团演奏了一首军队进行曲。


They’re marched forty kilometres today. 他们今天行进了四十公里。

词组:on the march在行进中;在进行中

The army were on the march at 6 o’clock. 六点钟时部队在行军。

⒉I join in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up. 我参加了这次大行军,我们平平静静地向前走着,这里警察突然来了。


My brother joined the army in 1985. 我哥哥是1985年参军的。

I joined the League two years ago. 我是二年前入团的。

    表示参加某种活动更常用“join in”。

    The whole school will join in the concert. 全校都将参加这次音乐会。

    *join sb. in sth. “参加(某人)一起干(某事)”

     Will you join us in a walk? 你愿意和我们一起散步吗?

    *join in与take part in都指“参加(某种活动)”,但join in多指参加正在进行的活动,如参加竞赛、娱乐、谈话等,而take part in只指参加活动。

The leading group decided to tell all the workers to take part in the strike. 领导小组决定通知所有的工人参加罢工。

⒊For years we’ve been demanding better housing and jobs. 多年来我们一直在要求改进居住条件和增加工作机会。



It’s impossible to satisfy all demands. 不可能满足所有的要求。

⑵vt. 要求

She demanded to see the editor. 她要求见编辑。


I demand that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中有一人立即到那儿去。

⒋They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison. 他们用警棍反复打我们,并把我们中的一些人关进监狱。

⑴over and over again一再;反复地

The teacher made us pronounce the same word over and over again. 老师让我们反复念同一个词。

Mother told me again and again not to be late for school. 妈妈一再叮嘱我上学不要迟到。

⑵put sb. in (into) prison把……关进监狱。常用被动式be put into prison。注意:prison前不加冠词

    The robber was put into prison. 这个抢劫犯被关进监狱。

    Many blacks were arrested and put into prison. 许多黑人被捕,关进了监狱。


Lesson  74

⒈By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world. 他以此给世界其它地区树立了榜样。

句中的set an example to sb意为“给某人树立一个榜样”

①Tom worked hard and set a good example to his classmates. 汤姆学习努力,为他的同学们树立了好的榜样。

②take for example以……为例

Take my sister for example, she is an excellent singer. 以我姐姐为例,她是一位优秀的歌唱演员。

③teach by example以身作则

In doing so, they are teaching by example.

④for example例如

A lot of people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee. 这里有许多人喜欢喝咖啡,例如约翰。

⒉He spent a lot of time talking and reading and delivered a paper round to earn some money. 他把大量的时间用来谈话和读书,为了赚钱,他还为一家报馆送报。

①spend…(in) doing sth. 花费……做某事

    He spent much time correcting my grammar. 他花了很多时间改正我的语法。

    He spends his whole life in looking after the poor. 他花了毕业精力照料穷人。

②round  n.巡回;循环

a postman’s round邮递员的一圈投递值勤

The doctor’s round of visit to the homes of his patients. 医生对病人的巡回探视会诊

⒊There were separate sections for blacks in shops, restaurants, hospitals, buses and trains. 在商店,餐厅,医院,公共汽车和火车上都有专为黑人设置的隔离区。


In the middle of the town there is a business section. 在市中心有一个商业区。


The children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们各睡各的床

I must have a separate room. 我要有一个单间


Let’s separate the good apples from the bad ones. 咱们把好苹果与坏苹果分开来。

⒋He believed that they could achieve their good by peaceful revolution, not by fighting and killing. 他认为,可以通过和平革命达到社会变革的目的,而不通过战争和杀戮。

⑴①goal n.目的,目标  His goal is to be a doctor.

②(赛跑等)终点,(旅行)目的地  The goal of the space-men was Venus.

③(足球运动的)球门,守门员  The goal-keeper for our team was Harry. 我们球队的守门员是Harry。

⑵achieve  v.

①取得,实现,完成,达到:adcieve the goal达到目标

②取得……成绩(或成就)  I ‘ve achieved only half of what I hoped to do. 我只完成了一半我要做的事。

achievement  n.

⒌If they wished to , they had to pass a reading test. 如果他们想要投票,就得通过阅读测验。

if they wished to …=if they wished to vote…后面省略了动词,只保留不定式符号,是为了避免重复。


    You and do it if you wish to. 如果你想做这件事,那么你就做吧。

─Would you like to have a walk with me? 你想和我一起去散步吗?

─Yes, I’d like to.  我想去。

⒍Once, a bomb exploded and destroyed his house. 有一次,一枚炸弹爆炸,毁了他家房屋。

explode v.

①vt. 使爆炸

He exploded a bomb. 我引爆了一颗炸弹。

②vi. 爆炸

    The boiler exploded and many people were injured by the hot steam. 锅炉爆炸,很多人被热气灼伤。


Lesson  75

⒈A group was formed to demand that the bus company should change its unfair practices and king was made president. 成立了一个组织,要求公共汽车公司改变这套不公平的做法,全被推举为这个组织的领导人。


Mike came to my house and demanded that I (should) help him. 迈克到我家来,要求我帮忙。

They demanded that the magager give them an immediate answer. 他们要求经理立即答复他们。

⒉King called for black people not to give

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