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高二 (上) U7 Canada_教案论文

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  L.25 generally speaking notice differently

  L.26 settle all the year round be famous for deal a great deal of make use of

  L.27 race skin tool

  L.28 clear up from time to time


  L.25 tap eastern

  L.26 official official language settle struggle struggle against freeze freezing average natural natural gas exploit ordinary refer refer to

  L.27 tent baggage block fur basic settlement


  L.25 Dean accent

  L.26 Ottawa minus C=centigrade

  L.27 hunt Inuit seal


  A lot of people can’t tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent.

  Are there many differences?

  What do you mean by…?I’m sorry, I don’t follow you.

  Do you use American or British spelling?

  American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.





  Lesson 25

  1. A lot of people can’t tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent .许多人分不清美国口音与加拿大口音的区别。

  1)tell vt辨别;分辨,判断(常与can, could及be able to连用)


  ①It’t difficult to tell her exact age.很难说得出她确切年龄。

  ②I can’t tell one from the other .我分不清这两者区别。

  △ tell the difference(between A and B)说出(A和B之间的)区别,分清(A和B)

    The teacher asked me to tell the difference in meaning between “over ”and “above”.



  ①Our maths teacher spoke with a strong Zhejiang accent .我们数学老师说话带有浓重的浙江口音。

  ②Our English teacher has a bit more American accent . 我们英语老师有较多的美国口音。

  ③The word “woman” has its accent on the first syllable . “woman”这个词,重音在第一个音节。


  2.I thought you were from the States. 我还以为你是美国人呢。


  例如:Hello, Li Lei, I didn’t know you were here, too .



  3.We fill our cars with “gas”, which is American, but we turn on the “tap”, which is British English.


  美国英语中,汽油是 “gas”,英国英语是 “Petrol”;美国英语中,水龙头是 “faucet”,英国英语是 “tap”。


  美国英语    英国英语    词义

  eraser     rubber     橡皮

  fall      autumn     秋天

  mail      post      邮件

  movie     film      电影

  sick      ill      疾病

  store     shop      商店

  vacation    holiday    假期


  4.Gererally speaking, newspapers follow the American way, but conference reports and school books use British spelling.


  1)generally speaking是-ing短语,在句中作插入语,对全句作解释。类似的插入语如下:

  strictly speaking  严格地说  personally speaking  就个人而言

  frankly speaking  坦率地说  broadly speaking  广义地说

  exactly speaking  准确地说


  ①We must follow his advice. 我们要听从他的意见。

  ②Follow the road until you come to a river .沿着这条路走到河边。


  5. you mean it looks strange! I’ll tell you something that does sound strange .


  1)句中的look和sound都是连系动词,连系动词后接形容词作表语一起构成谓语。常见的连系动词有:be, feel, fall, seem, keep, appear, taste, smell, become, grow, get, go, turn, sound, look等等


  ①That sounds strange. 听起来很奇怪。

  ②The silk feels smooth .丝绸摸上去很光滑。

  ③The leaves have turned green .叶子变绿了。

  ④It’s getting dark .Let’s go home.天快黑了,咱们回家吧。

  ⑤The potatoes went bad in the soil .土壤在地里变得坏了。

  ⑥The apples from this tree taste delicious .这棵树上的苹果很好吃。

  2)句中does用来加强语气。助动词do (does, did )常用在肯定句或祈使句中,表示强调。例如:

  ①I do hope you’ll stay to supper .我真希望你留下来吃晚饭。

  ②Please do come next time. 下次务必要来呀!


Lesson 26

  1.Canada is the second largest country in the world .加拿大是世界上第二个最大的国家。

  形容词的最高级形式与序数词second/third连用,表示“居第二/第三位”,如本句的“第二个最大的国家”(the second largest country)例如:

  ①The yellow River is the second longest river in china .黄河是中国第二条最长的河流。

  ②Li Lei is the tallest boy in our class. Wang Gang is the second tallest .Who is the third tallest?


  2.It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth.



  ①The woods reach as far as the river .这片树林一直延伸到河边。

  ②The park reaches to the foot of the mountain.这座公园一直延伸到山脚下。


  ①Can you reach those books on the shelf? 你够得着架了上的那些书吗?

  ②I reached Beijing about half past six .我大约6点半到达北京。


  3.The country covers six of the world’s 24 time areas .加拿大的国土跨过全世界24个时区中的6个。


  ①Please cover the table with a table cloth .请将桌布盖在桌子上。

  ②We covered twelve miles yesterday.昨天我们走了12英里的路程。

  ③The city covered ten square miles . 这座城市占地10平方英里。

  ④His studies covered a wide field.他的研究涉及的范围很广。

  ⑤He was sent to cover the Science Conference in Beijing .他被派出采访北京的科学大会了。


  4.For two centuries English and French settlers struggle against each other to control the country .


  struggle against意为“和……斗争”,后接斗争的对象。struggle for意为“为……斗争”,后接斗争的目标。

  ①They struggled against difficulties .他们与困难搏斗.

  ②The poor had to struggle for a living. 穷人为了生存而斗争.


  5. Today, one province of Canada is French-speaking .现在加拿大有一个省说法语.<

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